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sun showers

01wLast night, we had a crazy/wonderful storm in the Twin Cities. It was *pouring* rain... while the sun was out. It. Was. Awesome.Because I am familiar with how the weather/photography Gods work, I knew I didn't have time to grab my gear and go anywhere scenic, so instead I grabbed my camera and dashed out onto the front porch.Luckily, I captured the rain (above), which stopped about one minute after I had my camera in hand. See? I AM ON TO YOU WEATHER/PHOTOGRAPHY GODS.So then I shot some of the dripping and leftovers around the yard. I love weather photos. Next time I see clouds gathering and hear thunder? I'm driving to the woods as fast as I can. With a rain coat. And boots.Enjoy!03w 05w 02w04wAnd finishing up with a self portrait :) But I do have killer shoes, no?After the storm, I was out running an errand, and I had to pull over and take a photo of the sunset. I didn't have my "real" camera, so I shot it with my iPhone and posted it to instagram. You can see it here.For your internet shares today:+ How to lift a curse. Listen to this while you work. I promise you'll laugh.+ If you like Harry Potter and politics... + Have any of you tried one of these? I am tempted.