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we all need some angels right now

ljp_7574blogI have been shooting families and kids and dogs like NUTS in my studio the past week or two, and man, it has been so much fun. Studio work is so, so different than my normal day-to-day, but in a totally fun way.Now, some internet shares of the day:+ Want a pretty sign with a nice message for your front yard? Here you go. And check out the hotties on that About page, eh?+ I find it both hilarious and terrifying that Mike Pence is now fighting for private emails. YOU KNOW, THAT THING WE HAD TO HEAR ABOUT FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS WITH HILLARY? $#@%^! At this point, I am literally out of curse words. And ask my dad, that takes a lot.+ My favorite book from last year was turned into a small foreign film and it is showing now in Minnesota. Go see it as soon as you can. I promise you, you will love it. It is WONDERFUL. And oh hey look, it's got record patronage here. Again, I sure do love it here in Minnesota.