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front porch nesting

post by leslie

As I've documented many times, I love, love, love having my front porch surrounded by beautiful plants. And many years, birds build nests in my hanging plants, so I always keep an eye out. This year is no exception, except that I haven't seen any mama birds for weeks and these eggs have looked just like this for at least 3 weeks. So I guess it was abandoned? Not sure. But I am a touch sad about it...I might also be a bit melancholy because it's 65 degrees and overcast outside today. The cool breeze feels phenomenal and it makes me feel like I'm up north at a cabin, but it also makes me realize just how fleeting summer truly is.For your internet shares of the day:+ Paint alone can truly transform a space. See what I mean?+ This essay from a mail carrier is wonderful. As someone who has pondered a job as a mail carrier since I was about five, I enjoyed this immensely.+ Another report from the Star Tribune on how Minnesota police departments investigated (or didn't) rape cases. This is so, so disturbing. Please support local journalism. It's so important.