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1012oregonsmI am smitten with Oregon. They love coffee, they love wine, they have an ocean and forests and it's always kinda cloudy which makes the best light for photos. If they had a music scene like Minneapolis, I might have to move. For real.For now? I'll just have to vacation here more often. I don't know if I mentioned where we're staying in yesterday's post, but you guys, it's a slice of heaven. As I type this, I'm sitting on the couch in front of my big fireplace in my cottage with a glass of wine at my side that I have more of in my full kitchen. And it's all decorated like a freaking Pottery Barn catalog. And I am three blocks from the Pacific Ocean. I am one happy camper, I tell you.Today we drove south to Cannon Beach, where we met up with a dear friend of mine from high school. She was even a college roommate! Anyway, we had a delicious breakfast and caught up, and she gave us all the goods on where to go as we headed south, including the spot where this photo was taken. Also? She told us the hike to take to get down to the cove where we could watch the surfers. How fun was THAT?! It was super fun.And after that, we continued our drive down to Tillamook to tour the cheese factory (and hey, they make ice cream!!). It was pretty disappointing. But! We drove a little bit further to the Blue Heron cheese factory for wine tasting and free Brie samples (yes, please) and then we fed the animals at their petting zoo! So that was fun :)I can't believe we only have one full day left of vacation... never enough time, I tell you. Tomorrow, we're hoping to hit wine country. You'll have to check back to see if we make it, or if we just grab a bottle of wine and a book and sit by the ocean all day. Either option sounds damn fantastic to this girl.