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a bit of a mess

So, this is our kitchen today.To be honest, everything in the house is in a bit of disarray at the moment. My camera gear seems to be in the dining room, living room, studio closets and my office (which doesn't make packing up for a job complicated AT ALL). I keep finding dishes and recycling all over the house because we grab a can of La Croix from the fridge in the dining room, drink it in the living room or the bedroom, and then who wants to take it all the way to the basement to recycle? Not me, apparently. Also? The top of my dryer is covered in dirty dishes waiting to be washed in the laundry tub.In other words, things are out of control. And did I mention I have a head cold? What I would give to breathe through my nostrils again.But! Those pretty white cabinets are going in nicely, eh?I don't have many internet shares today, but here you go.+ These high school journalists make me proud.+ I wonder how in the world Sean Spicer decompresses at the end of his day?