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a different set of goslings

0512goslingsw2Today Jamie and I took a nice walk around the lake with Magda. And on this walk, we spied more baby geese! They are everywhere right now -- and it's so much fun! Where was The Spawn, you ask? He was in daycare. We have decided to take a day or two off each quarter where we spend time just as a couple. Sometimes we watch sports on TV. Sometimes we go to museums. Today, we walked around the lakes and had a delicious lunch before cozying up on the sofa and catching up on The Americans. It was glorious -- I highly suggest this form of cheap "vacation" for all parents. We have rules, like no chores allowed, no typical errands allowed etc etc. It is all about what we want to do, and it is glorious.A bit of a damper was that a former colleague of mine, who I always adored, unexpectedly passed away yesterday. You can read her obituary here. No internet shares today. Get off the computer and go hug the ones you love the most.