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a little bleak

This was shot at noon.If you live further south, usually shadows at noon are very small. But in Minnesota in the winter? Those shadows from the north are still long, which creates interesting contrasts, I think. Just one more fascinating piece of physical evidence of living in this amazing frozen tundra.For those who are curious, this is a fence around the edge of Lake Calhoun, which was full of people taking walks in the middle of the lake in the middle of the day. Oh Minnesota, I love you.The bleakness and contrast in this image is also pretty representative of my week. At work, I've had some nice successes, but at home things have been a bit of a mess. First, Ezra has been home sick all week, which has resulted in our home turning into a complete disaster of kleenex, medicine, thermometers, toys and half eaten meals / dishes / cups etc. Not to mention the laundry. The little guy headed back to school today (thank goodness!) and I spent the first 2 hours of his absence getting things back in order.Second, my mother has been hospitalized with health issues again. It looks like things will settle down and she'll be released soon (we hope). It's still incredibly sad and stressful for our family though.And third, we have a new president. A new leader of the free world. Excuse me while I run off to vomit.What a week indeed.No internet shares today. I'm just too depressed.