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a much needed, but brief, moment of zen

It is the first Tuesday of this presidency and I am fighting mad.I called all of my senators and representatives today and finally just said, "Hi there! Can I talk to you about more than one issue? I've been calling daily with my priority issue, but today I have 4 or 5 things that Trump has done that make me crazy!"Thankfully, the aide on the other end just chuckled and told me I could talk to him about all of the things in one conversation. Today I chose:+ The Pipeline bullshit (To remind you, the pipeline was moved from being upstream from Bismarck to protect the city's water supply, and re-routed just upstream of a large Native American reservation instead. Ahem.)+ Betty De Vos, who wants to be in charge of education and should not be+ Trump saying that national agencies studying science (like the USDA) are no longer allowed to release information to the media (what kind of bullshit is THAT? So science can no longer be released to the media / the public?)+ Trump freezing all grants and contracts through the EPA+ I want those taxes released like yesterdayThen I ended the call saying I'm sure I would be calling back tomorrow with more complaints, and the aide thanked me and called me by my first name because I guess we're going to be chatting every day for the next four years now.One of the brighter spots in my day included lunch with my amazing birth doula so we could catch up on life. What a woman she is. I encourage everyone who is following along with this administration to take short, bright breaks throughout the day to keep sane. It's all we can do.Sorry to be such a downer today guys. I just continue to be so disappointed in this president. What's next? Killing off puppies? Sorry. I should be careful of giving him any ideas.If you would like links to information on numbers to call or other ways you can take action, please let me know. This blog space is already getting way more political than I ever intended, and I don't want that to be the focus full time, but I would love to spread information if you need it or would like more.And thank you for listening to my rants.