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a weekend of protest

This was a weekend of protest.On Saturday, James, Ezra and I got up early, went out for a pancake breakfast, and then headed down to the capitol to march in the Women's March in Minnesota. We had had a difficult week, and to surround ourselves with people just as outraged as we are at this man and his disrespect for religious and civil rights was amazingly cathartic.Ezra and Jamie stayed for an hour or two before heading back home for more potty training and nap time (bless that man for making it possible for me to stay and hear some speeches and take photos which you can see here). I stayed behind and caught the train back, where I met more fantastic women and returned home with a smile on my face.So while Saturday morning was exactly what I needed, I should be clear that it wasn't the only protesting happening in our world.Because we have a 2 year old. And this kid? He is protesting just about everything these days. Like, you know, wearing pants. Or brushing his teeth. Or putting on a coat.We are getting really good at distractions to get what we want. SEE? MAYBE WE ARE LEARNING FROM TRUMP AFTER ALL. Ahem.But now for your internet shares of the day:+ If you are a democrat and want to make a difference in the next house elections regardless of where you live, check this out. If you are a republican just move along please.+ If you are enraged when people tell you "it's time to move on" regarding Trump, but maybe you, like me, are not the most eloquent when you are enraged, this essay is helpful.+ And on a much lighter note, if you are thinking of remodeling a patio space, I sure thought this was lovely!+ Also on a lighter note? Robots are now delivering coffee?!? WE ARE LIVING IN THE FUTURE!