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a whole lotta confetti

0402okgosmTonight Jamie and I had a date night planned to see OK Go! over at First Avenue. I wouldn't say either one of us are *huge* fans of the band, but we like their songs, love their videos, and we know they put on an amazingly photographable show. So we were in!And then poor little Ezra got his first fever last night.We thought it had broken by morning, but daycare sent him home when it spiked again, and I stayed home nursing him back to health and running to the doctor for a quick check to make sure he didn't have an ear infection (all good). By tonight, his fever was down and he was ready to crash for the night, so we decided to leave him with our AMAZING babysitter and head on out.I'm so glad we did! He slept almost the entire time we were gone, and we got to see and photograph this super fun show.I'll have a full set of photos posted tomorrow, but for now I'm off to bed before I get woken up for a feeding.For your internet share of the day, how about the band's first video that ever sucked me in? So fun!Update! To see the full set of photos from the show, take a peek over here. Enjoy!