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a (boring) day in the life...

First off, apologies to all of you that follow my mediocre-at-best posting on instagram and were wondering what the hell was going on today with me snapping shots every hour. I was participating in Team Photoblog's "Day in the Life of" project, and I wanted all of the photos to have the same filter/effect, so I chose instagram. Tomorrow will be back to my sporadic posting, I promise.So what is this challenge? My buddy Margaret came up with it, and we were to illustrate our day in a series of photos (minimum of 5). She did hers today as well, and you can spot her shooting up there in the mass of pictures.So this was a very boring workday. You can see I woke up snuggling with my boy, then had coffee, had to curl my hair and then went to work. There was a lot of desk time at the office today (hence the keyboard shot), then I went for a walk over my lunch hour and stopped in to check out the sale at Banana Republic.I came back to work where Miss Margaret had dropped off a slice of her homemade cake for me to try, and the chocolate did not help the headache behind my eyes, so I opted for my old standby instead. After work, I drove to Muddy Waters for a client meeting and came home to be greeted by my lovely pups and a footrub. And there you have it. Next time I do this, I'll do it on a day when I have a big fashion photo shoot. Those days are WAY more entertaining.