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Wow, how "scholarly" is this? When I was in high school, FOX had a TV show on prime time... I wish I could remember the name. It didn't even last a year, I think. Anyway, it was supposed to be kinda like 90210, but at a Midwestern college. And the buildings were old and brick and covered in ivy and it was a very romantic view of college. And to this day, when I think of higher education, that's what I think of. Well... that and amazing basketball. But I digress.So this morning I was walking to class and I was admiring the vines on the columns, and thought that might be a nice photo. It took me back to the "romance" of university life that I had seen in that old television show.The rest of the day was full of work, with me finally getting home at 8 pm, wolfing down dinner and watching the last two minutes of the Kansas game. Now I'm off to bed. Gotta rest up for the weekend concerts...