adorable child. vicious germs.

Did I mention that my sweet Ezra got sick on our trip back to Kansas? Well of course he did! It was a holiday, wasn't it!? Anyway, he got the pukes and a light fever, and 24 hours later he was better. Not back to normal (as in, refusing to eat), but not puking any more.The evening after Thanksgiving, Jamie got it bad. I had a very mild form of the sickness, and frankly just slept a ton to rid myself of it. Or so I thought.We drove back on Saturday, and that night it hit me hard. The worst kind of stomach virus (I will save you from details) and a triple digit fever. I was bedridden for the day, and thank God my amazing man could act as a single parent and simultaneously bring me small samplings of ginger ale and ice chips.Sunday morning was amazingly foggy in Minneapolis, and it killed me to be stuck inside. I asked Jamie to bring me my camera, and I attempted to take photos of the fog out the window from my bed. You guys. My camera felt SO heavy in my sick little hands. The photo above was a mistake shot, but I think it captures the feeling of the day well, so here you go.For your internet shares of the day:+ My buddy Leah gifted me this book recently, and I cannot suggest it enough. Especially if you are a lady who wants to be in charge. It would be a fabulous gift for a girlfriend.+ I love the idea of advent calendars! Here are a few clever ones.+ This movie is getting pretty amazing reviews from the critics.