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after the rain

post by leslie

So this week it rained. And rained. And rained. I'm really not that upset about it, but each day I'd check the forecast and the next day would be clear and then... you guessed it... it rained. Monday was one of these days and it was supposed to stop raining at 9 am. Then 10 am. Then 11, 12, 1, 2... you get the idea. As someone who has many family sessions scheduled on weekday evenings, I was starting to get a little panicky.But then it stopped. And I met my family in the woods, and we had an amazing shoot. Wasn't it gorgeous out? I shot this while waiting for the toddler to stop picking his nose. My job is hilarious!We also found these adorable baby frogs all over the dock.Normally I would send you off into the weekend with something funny and witty and charming right now. But I'm too damn angry about that guy in the White House losing a bunch of people's children. So instead you should read this and then call your representatives like I am.