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ah yes, the sweaty punk show

09titussmYou guys, I am always so dang happy when I'm at a Titus Andronicus show. Tonight's performance was sloppy and a bit ranty and then excellent and then slow and finally WONDERFUL. But I was still so thrilled to be there shooting it. At the end of the night, they covered several Replacements songs, and it was fantastic. The Replacements are the *one* band who I have never seen live and who I would LOVE to see, so covers by Titus (or Deer Tick) always please me to no end.OK, because it's late (or early, depending on your point of view), I'mma wrap this up. But first, your internet share of the day. This one is so rad.Go check out this map that shows major metropolitan areas broken down by race. You can totally see the segregation lines (especially in Detroit holy moly) and the cities that are well mixed (Sacramento!). Anyway, it's fascinating. And make sure you get to the full country map at the end to see the "plantation belt" and how that affected where races fall. I could look at this kind of data all day long.Oh! And if you want to see the rest of the photos from the Titus Andronicus show (holy sweaty man-crowd batman!), look over here.