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alethea + jarl

0102aletheasmToday I photographed  my first wedding of 2014! Nothin' like jumping right into it, eh? But I was so lucky in that it was an *amazing* wedding with a darling couple who I grew to adore by the end of the night. They live in London and came back home for the ceremony at the groom's childhood home surrounded by about 3o of their closest friends and family.Then later we mosied on over to the Guthrie for a few snaps before the big reception at an Irish bar in St. Paul. Overall, it was a fantastic day. Aaaaand now I'm going to go collapse and recover before my workshop on Saturday!For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to the amazing and wonderful Alexandra's blog. Today she wrote templates for the seven emails you never want to write. She's a master at this sort of thing, and I, for one, will be using a few of these templates to save time in the future. I know many of you are trying to get a handle on the crazy amount of time spent on email these days, and I thought this might help. Enjoy!