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analog skyping

Aww, those crazy kids! Tonight we had a few friends over for pie and coffee and beer and Baily's. Oh! And Taboo! I love that game. Anyway, it was super fun to see some friends on the holiday. We had wanted to set up a skype call with Miss Meredith over in Spain, but her internet has been all wonky, and we weren't sure it would work. So I set up a photo booth in the basement, and we all wrote out our messages to her and posed for photos as a nice holiday surprise. I would link to them from here, but some of the shots are just too creepy to share with the whole wild world (KYLE). But overall, it was a super fun way to send our good wishes. Pictured above are Carl and Stacy.Also? On a more random note, I did not cook Thanksgiving this year. I ceded all control to our friends Eric and Betz who invited us over for an *amazing* meal. And? They even sent us home with leftovers! Score! What a fabulous holiday, indeed.