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and the dogs go wild

1125squirrelsmI was working in the kitchen the other day when I heard a loud THUNK. I turned around to check the window, and this is what I saw. What you can't see in the photo is that directly above this squirrel (but back about 7 inches) is the bird feeder. This guy was dive-bombing the bird feeder from the fence and missed, hitting (and catching) the screen on the window instead. Crazy view of a squirrel though, eh?And yeah, I called Magda into the kitchen and man, she was TOTALLY into this form of entertainment. Once she jumped up to the window, the squirrel dove from the screen taking his chances on the landing.For your internet share today, I'm sending you to the trailer for next year's Jurassic World release. You guys know I love dinosaurs, yeah? I am pretty darn excited for this.