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Angry Waters

Post by Lucy

Last week I received a weather alert for Duluth: there was a significant storm coming -- winds predicted to be 65 mph, waves up to 12 feet, shoreline damage expected. I have *always* wanted to be on the North Shore during one of these giant storms, and I happened to have a couple of flexible days in my schedule, so decided to trust the weather reports, book a hotel, and head north.The storm rolled in overnight and I woke up to thundering wind and waves and headed straight for Canal Park. Getting out of the car, I was overwhelmed. Winds were so strong it was difficult to open the door. And, it was nearly impossible to see anything with the rain whipping at my face.But, the height of the waves and power of the storm were magnificent, and that was enough to persuade me to get out there and explore regardless of how slightly overwhelming the situation seemed. The gale brought on more than expected. Wind gusts topped 85 mph (hurricane strength starts at 74 mph!), waves were over 20 feet, and tons of rain. All of that lead to destruction along the shoreline, and it was humbling to see that all progress as I spent the afternoon stopping at various spots along the Shore, ranging from Duluth to Palisade Head, and below are a few photos from the day. Seeing Superior in this state absolutely solidified the fact that it's a lake you don't mess with.