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angry conor

Oh hello Thursday night with Conor Oberst in a super small club playing with Desaparecidos! Minneapolis, you treat me so right."Read Music / Speak Spanish" is an album I bought in 2002 and never ever thought I'd get to see live. But I was wrong! And tonight I got to see all my favorite songs along with a Clash cover. Needless to say, it was awesome. You can see a few more shots from the show over here.Oh! And you wanna know what else was awesome about today? My nieces are here!! I got to have dinner with them before I scooted off to the show. But the rest of the weekend I'll be spending 100% with them, so you can expect those photos down the road. I'm sure they're excited. There is nothing teenage girls like more than having their aunt follow them around taking pictures all day. :)