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arcade fire

0308arcadesmToday I had an assignment to photograph some of the fashion at the Arcade Fire concert (which I will link to later this week). Since I didn't have tickets, and I didn't have permission to bring my camera into the arena (I wasn't shooting the show), I decided to get there early and shoot photos of the 100 to 200 people lined up early for the show. I figure if they're lining up in the afternoon, they're gonna dress up as well. And luckily, I was right!Around 6:40 they opened the doors to the arena and right before this, "the band," who you can see above in these masks, came through waiving to everyone waiting in line. Is it really Arcade Fire? People seemed to think so. Do I think so? Not sure. But it was funny regardless.And then we magically scored free tickets to watch the show from a friend's box (!!) and so we ended up staying at the show for free. SCORE. It was a fun show. But they were way more fun in 2003 at the 400 Bar. And yes, I sound exactly like my Music Snob friend Kyle when I say that, but it's true.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this piece about stopping and being kind. I love this essay, and I think what Nora has to say is super important. Every single one of us is dealing with some sort of issue or another, so how about we just be nice for a change?