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This is my buddy Carl. I love how when I raise my camera to shoot, he always strikes a pose. Super fun! I wish everyone was like that! (And yes. I realize that I, myself, am the exact opposite).Anyway, I saw Carl and about a gazillion other friends tonight at the Lake Harriet bandshell where they had a free show by 4ontheFloor followed by a screening of Strange Brew. Which was just about perfect after this week.I don't really have an update on Senior Plesser other than he's eating a lot of sherbert and yogurt and ice cream. I think that would make anyone feel better. I know it's *my* diet of choice (coffee, salty caramel and chocolate ice cream, please). He's still working through a lot of complications, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. Jamie might be coming home on Sunday, which will be amazing. I miss him and Memphis tremendously.