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autumn is here. i think. maybe.

It has finally cooled off... I hope. I feel like I keep thinking, "Yay! Fall is here!" And then two days later it's 93 degrees, ruining my happiness.But for now (at least) it appears that the 90-degree days are behind us. Maybe now we can take out the window air conditioners! I did, after all, have my first pumpkin spice latte yesterday.I shot this image of tall grasses during one of my many family shoots last week. I loved the light and the autumn that appears right around the corner. If you stop and concentrate, you can even smell it. Oh man, this time of year is my FAVORITE.Okay, now for your internet shares. They are all food. Sorry (not sorry).+ First, this pumpkin cake looks delicious.+ Second, ideas for the kids' lunch boxes. I'm new to packing a lunch every day, and these tips are helpful.+ Third... wait. I'm taking out a food one because this is better! Check out this time lapse on a cargo ship! The Milky Way! Planets! Ports! Wow!