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awesome, awesome day

0321LordesmWhat an amazing day! First, I woke up to birds chirping and 60 degrees. So that was a much-needed change! Then I had breakfast with a dear, childhood friend (the one that taught me about the birds and the bees, as a matter of fact!), and it was amazing to see her and hear about her life. Then after THAT we met up with Mere to head to a sports bar to watch the Kansas game with friends (KU won and I got to hang out with one of my very best friends from high school who still makes me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh). After that we got Oklahoma Joe's, my VERY favorite BBQ brisket (although I still prefer BBQ sauce from The Salt Lick in Austin, which my husband says is blasphemy). And after THAT I got to photograph Lorde (above)! And her show was soooooo good and it was so fun and man, could every day be like this? And! And! There's even more!This next paragraph is a little more "hater" than I tend to be, so I apologize. But these two losses made me pretty happy. First? Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, who would protest funerals of AIDS victims among other things, died. Yeah, good riddance. And? Duke lost in the first round of the tournament. Obviously, these are on different scales, but they both added to the glory of the first day of Spring, I'd say.Now, let's end things on a pretty note. How about these gorgeous paper-cut light boxes? Man, these are so, so pretty!