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baby baby baby

06wOh, what a sweetie. A dear friend of mine gave birth to this beautiful boy last week, and I stopped by to snap a photo right quick on Sunday morning. I adore this sleeping face, and I cannot wait to watch this little guy grow up and start a band with Ezra (and all his buddies).I haven't been writing much about my life recently because, well, a lot of not-so-fun family drama is going on. My mother is having some more health issues, and that takes a great toll on everyone (especially her). And since my mother-in-law left town, the sweet little angel that I gave birth to has been possessed by a whiny kid who never wants to bathe, change clothes, put on shoes, wear a jacket, take a nap, sleep through the night or have his diaper changed. This means we are wrestling with even more tantrums than usual, and frankly, I'm just sort of beat. But once he falls back into his normal routine, I'm hoping we are back to laughter and games and happiness. It is stunning how messing with a child's day-to-day routine fucks with EVERY SINGLE THING. Ok, sorry, parenthood rant is now over.Let's talk about something fun instead! Like pop culture! For your internet shares of the day, besides that Beyonce album/film that I keep mentioning, I'm also loving this TV show about spies starring Hugh Laurie. Wowzer. And should I ever have 2-3 hours of uninterrupted free time, I might take on spring cleaning my kitchen like this. Super motivating.