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baby bump

Tonight we had a cookie exchange (and a beer exchange) at Eric and Betz's house. You remember those two... they're the ones that cooked us Thanksgiving dinner. Well in case you can't tell, Betz here is knocked up. Or "with child" I guess would be a "more appropriate" way of putting it. But in all seriousness, I'm super happy for these two. They are some of the most fun and wonderful and creative and funny people we know, and they are the *exact* kind of people you want breeding.So back to the cookie/beer exchange. Everyone could either bring a sixer or two dozen cookies and then fill their plate/six-pack holder with a variety of what others brought. It was great! I had no idea my pals were all such great bakers! (I'm lookin' at you @staciaann.) So at the end of the night Betz was giving everyone "baby bumps" with her belly. I love Kyle's expression here. And btw, all pregnant women in the universe should buy that dress Betz was wearing. Very stylin'.