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baby hipster

This is a photo of my niece that we have in our house. I shot this photo today because she's been on my mind a lot lately. This kiddo just got into UC Santa Cruz (check out this photo taken from campus), and we are super proud of her. It's hard to believe that she's off to college when this photo of her was given to us as a gift when we were first married. STOP DOING THE MATH. We are old. Accept it.Anyway, beyond being a total smarty pants and a) getting into some great schools and b) beating me at word scramble repeatedly, she graduated to a new level this week. She had texted me to see if there were any new bands she should check out from SXSW. I sent her a few names, but knowing she likes electronic music, I was trying to think of someone else she might be into. I had heard from a lot of friends and bloggers that this group, Tanlines, was pretty good live and I was enjoying their new album, so I sent that name off to her. This was our conversation:Me: One more band to check out: Tanlines. So good, and I think right up your alley.Her: Oh yeah they're awesome! I think they've been around for a couple years. I haven't heard their new stuff yet though.Me: It's streaming on NPR, you little hipster, you.Her: Haha, no way. Don't you know a hipster never admits to being one?So now she's an adorable smartass who is ahead of her aunt and uncle on new music and is on her way to college. Trouble. I love it.