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back from boston

Hi guys! What a week!Lucy and I returned from Boston late last night, I worked from home this morning and then we headed into the studio for more decorating/setting up. And I got the internet working! So of course I wanted to get on here and blog from the new photo studio. HOW EXCITING!No, I'm not ready to show you the space yet (maybe we'll do a preview, but our statement piece doesn't arrive until around Halloween, so you might have to be patient).The photo up there is of some sort of medical equipment that I shot in Boston. It was an outtake, so it's safe to show you and it's nothing special. Just interesting to me that those medical tools are made in Pakistan. Right?OK. Internet shares. Are you as outraged by our president right now as I am? And frankly, it's not just the president who is pissing me off right now. Who are all these nazis? And what kind of world do we live in where they don't even hesitate to show their faces? My god. I never thought we would head in this direction, and it enrages me.For your internet shares:+ My friend Matt wrote this piece about the Charlottesville rally.+ This map is scary and also makes me mad.+ This photo. Damn.+ I need something happy. I don't have anything. What have you got?