back to our regular scheduled programming

And we're back! Holy crap, does it feel good to (sometimes) breathe out of my nose again! You guys, that was some nasty, nasty sickness we were dealing with this week. Magda up there is the only one not on any medication right now, and she's pretty antsy to get back outside walking soon. Hopefully I can help her out with that this weekend.I am so sorry to have had to take the break from blogging, but I am feeling so, so much better -- I really needed some serious time away from the computer and to heal up, sleep, and take the medicines that the doctor prescribed.While physically I am feeling so much better than I was this past weekend (like, 1000% better), I still am not at full force, meaning we are all a little stir crazy around the house. Especially Magda. But we'll get back to normal soon (I hope).For your internet shares of the day! Oh, this first one is good.Do you know what's in the gift bags at the Oscars? Besides the chapstick? How about a "Vampire Breast Lift"? Or a 10-day trip to Israel? Wowza.Another piece I read discussed the five things you can't live without in your kitchen. What would your's be? I think mine would be... 1. Eggs 2. Avocado 3. Chicken broth 4. Frozen green beans and 5. Onions. Not that you could combine those things... but I feel like they play such a big part in almost every recipe! If I could have a 6th, it would be a rotisserie chicken.And lastly, how about these radioactive reindeer (also my next band name)? Lovely photos. Couldn't eat them though!