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Look what we saw today! It's the first deer sighting that we've had at this cabin (counting both last year and this year). We drove into town tonight to pick up, um, some essentials (someone forgot her hairbrush) and saw this lovely deer crossing the road. Amazingly large ears, no?But the real charmer of the day (again) was Memphis. This morning, while her dad was off golfing, I took her out to go to the bathroom. She *bolted* out into the woods and then stopped suddenly to smell the ground. I was trying to lure her back with treats (by the way, the collie came RIGHT back because HE is a SUPERSTAR) when she started rolling around on the ground. Fool. Then she hops up, and bolts back for treats. Only problem? She was covered in wild animal feces. Yup. This little genius had been rolling in shit and was COVERED in it. Charming way to start the day!So after checking the lake for boats, I took her frisbee down and made her fetch it out in the lake until all the feces had visibly washed away. And later today, she was pretty displeased about the bath she got. Man, this girl is trouble.