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beauty break

 You guys, I am exhausted.Every time I get on the internet, there are more things happening in this world that are making me want to set my hair on fire and run screaming into the street. But instead, I take a deep breath, I take a long sip of coffee, and I pick up my phone and call all of my political representatives.So I thought something pretty might be a nice break. This orchid up there was gifted to us by our friends Spike and Kathy when our dear, beloved Memphis died in 2012. Jamie has made it his mission to keep it alive and man, he is doing a bang-up job! I can't keep a SUCCULENT alive for a year (you know, those plants that need NOTHING) and his orchid is going on five years!Now. Back to business. For your internet share of the day:+ I found this podcast that I'm loving called Pod Save America. It's done by a group of guys who worked in the White House (many under Obama) including Jon Favreau, who served as Barack Obama’s head speechwriter from 2005–2013 (!!!). It's pretty enlightening. It would make me happier if women or people of color were in the group of talking heads, but beggars can't be choosers.+ On a lighter note, here is a kitchen remodel that I love.