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best new bands 2013

First off, three cheers for finishing up a full 40-hour week of PC training, eh? You can bet I had a tequila (or two) tonight in celebration.But in general, what a great night! We met up with a ton of friends over at First Ave and then mosied over to check out the Best New Bands showcase. I had seen three of the bands, but not the rest (there were seven, I shot six -- don't hate, I needed to squeeze in dinner!). And I was so, so impressed. Every single band brought it, and the shows were all fun and great and I was thrilled for everyone on stage. My favorite acts were Wiping Out Thousands (above) and The Chalice. Both just left me grinning and dancing and were a total blast. But my very favorite suprise of the night was DJ Snuggles. I had never seen this guy before (WHY NOT??) and holy smokes was he fabulous! Best. Beatboxer. EVER. Like... better than the dude in Police Academy. And yes. I realize referencing Police Academy shows that I am old and white. Whatever,  I'm trying to set a bar here that Mr. Snuggles annihilated. If you can see him, do it.To see more photos of the show, they're up over here. Enjoy!