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big boy bed

Last night was the first night of Hannukah, and we surprised Ezra with his first big-boy bed. I had seen a similar bed online, but didn't want to pay shipping (and didn't know how great the quality would be). So I reached out to my good friend Braden.Braden and I worked for years together on the Scotch website photos, and I knew that he was a major woodworker and loved to build things like furniture. And we worked out a deal. And the bed was delivered yesterday and OHMYGOD did it exceed my expectations!The bed is made of solid Ash wood, and it's finished with a white oil (I originally wanted to paint the bed, but Braden explained the error of my ways -- thank goodness!).The bed is all non-toxic and kid friendly and I cannot even explain how solid it is. This is no Ikea piece, let me tell you.If you would like your own bed (or other amazing custom furniture), please, please, please reach out to Braden. We've already commissioned a few more pieces for our living room.Do you watch Fixer Upper? It's like having your own personal Clint, but with a much higher taste level!And now for your internet shares of the day:+ Nature photography that will blow you away.+ An amazing dinner for the vegetarian in your life.+ An alternative to the traditional Christmas tree. I love this, but I will never give up the smell of a fresh fir in my living room. Sorry, guys.+ And this is wonderful and exciting but still super depressing that half the population thought voting for a sexual predator is A-OK.