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birthdays and babes

birthdaywYesterday was Jamie's birthday, and if you ask Ezra, my husband turned three.He took the day off of work (we kept the kid in daycare) and we had a fantastic and wonderful Tuesday. We took a leisurely walk around the lake with Magda, we went out for a delicious lunch, we went to Target and shopped at our own speed while childless (one of my favorite things EVER), we watched terrible television, we made homemade soup and then we picked up Ezra, had an amazing dinner, ate cake, opened presents, played games and settled in for the night.If you have children, (and especially if you don't have family in town for free babysitting), I seriously cannot over exaggerate how wonderful these full days together are. And then it makes you so happy and excited to get the sweet kid back home because you feel like you've had a little time to yourselves to become a couple again. Very important.I don't have any internet shares today because I was no where close to a computer (and it was grand). I'll try to make up for it later in the week, but no promises since tomorrow I'm on a real, live farm all day shooting. YEAH! You read that right!