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blowout VIII

Tonight was the first night of the Doomtree Blowout. It started with our Mayor coming on stage to declare Dec. 14 officially Doomtree Day in the Twin Cities. Yeah, I kinda adore the guy. Anyway, it was a super fun night filled with friends and songs and cheering. And after 3 straight hours of shooting and lugging my gear around the club, I am 100% ready for bed. Also, I have to be up for a haircut in 4.5 hours.I will post more images from the night tomorrow. Be patient... OK, ok, the rest of the photos are up. Maybe when you see these photos you'll understand why I am still completely zonked. But really, so much fun!MEMPHIS UPDATE: Our girl is not as amazing as she was yesterday (health-wise), and she mostly slept today. But that said, she is still her old self, greeting us at the door when we arrive home with 2-3 stuffed animals in her mouth, tail wagging and then circling the main floor. So she's still got a little spunk. Thank God.