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boy genius

Remember this guy? Yeah. He's growing up into quite a cutie. I shot some photos of him and his parents today, and he's still very much into the Beatles. So much so, that this little four-year-old took me inside after the shoot, sat down at the computer, pulled up an Oasis website (ON HIS OWN) and pointed out Noel and Liam to me. He wanted to introduce me to the band. He told me he likes Oasis, but not as much as the Beatles. And he agreed with his mother that they were definitely a derivative of John, Paul, Ringo and George. He's four. He amazes me.Also, after I left, I wondered if he had heard Howler yet? They're a new band in town that has that brit-pop sound. Look at me, gettin' the toddlers into local music. :)