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break from the music

So we've had a ton of music on here, huh? Today I shot eleven more bands, but this little pup named Madde stole the show, and I figured you all could use a break from the bands. She's a 10-week-old Great Dane, and man was she adorable.I realize I owe you all shots from the concerts from both yesterday and today, but as I sat down to conquer them tonight, I ran out of disc space on my computer and got to spend 1.5 hours clearing off old files... So I'm a bit behind, but I'll get to them soon. I can't wait to show you the Joy Formidable or Those Darlins.Tomorrow Middle Brother arrive in Austin, and I'll meet back up with them to do more shooting. Also, they posted a ton of my photos on their free phone app today, so if you have a smart phone, search for the Middle Brother app, and see if you can find 'em. Off to bed now...