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broken ivories

I wish I had more exciting stuff to tell you about, but after that trip to Milwaukee and then working the Oscars last night and 8 am class today I... came home and slept the day away. Such a waste! But dude, it felt so good. And it was one of those naps where I was dreaming that I was napping and "somebody" was trying to wake me up. And in my dream today, that "somebody" was Prince. Ha! And no, I was not waking up for that midget.And yes. Sadly it has come to this. Me blogging about my dreams (about Prince). Please forgive me.Tonight though, I pulled myself together enough for a Rivets and Roses meeting over at the studio, where this old, broken piano was sitting in the hall. I'm not sure why, but I love old, broken musical instruments. And new, shiny musical instruments...