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What a cutie, eh? This is Bug, and his mom brought him in for some portraits yesterday. This little guy has had a ton of health problems lately, and we'll just say it seems he might be a little day-to-day right now. But man, not at this shoot! He was like a pup! Running around and discovering toys and hopping and getting treats. We had a great time!Besides this cutie, I also have been shooting some rock'n'roll this weekend (about time, eh?). If you'd like to see the shots from last night's Replacements Tribute at First Avenue, they are up over here. If you'd like to see images from the Titus Andronicus show on Thanksgiving, they are up over here. And now I'm going to go settle in next to the fire and not think about taking any photos. Until that shoot I have tomorrow morning at 9 am, that is.