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burning energy

0126magswThis week is unusual for me in that a) I'm slammed with work in January (wut?!?) and b) I don't have that many shoots (until Friday) and it's all computer work (huh?!). The reason being I had several big commercial jobs at the end of December and the start of January, and this week the clients are deciding which images they want me to deliver, and some of the jobs are requiring some major photoshop work. Like, the kind of work where you're removing some objects from a photo and replacing them with other objects. Over and over and over again.In general, I really really love editing photos -- I think it's the graphic designer in me. I am one of the few people who probably likes editing images in photoshop just as much as I like shooting them. But. That said? This is getting tedious! Yesterday I didn't even have time to squeeze in a walk with my girl Magda, so this morning I took her out in the yard for some fetch in hopes it would burn enough energy to get me 4-6 solid hours of computer time.I also wanted to see if the snow would "thicken up" for some great winter shots, but it didn't. This year's snow has been really weird in that a) there hasn't been much b) the flakes are pretty small and c) it's not really wet and sticking to the trees. All of those factors are what make snow the prettiest in photos, and should we get any of that, you'll find me clomping through the woods taking lots of photos. But it hasn't happened yet.For your internet shares:These winter photos of the storms out east and, in particular, the images from China, are wonderful! And secondly, I never thought I would really want to vacation in Mississippi. I might have been wrong.