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Another super early morning on campus, but man class was fun today. These kids? They were asking me about FONTS. Oooooh kids, please please please let me get paid to talk to you about typography. Seriously.As I was leaving for the paper after class, I passed this pole where all the kids hang their fliers. Man, did that take me back. See, back in the dark ages when I was in college, Jamie and I used to go on "flier runs" together to promote the shows we were putting on. And wow, was THAT a long time ago. The only thing that really surprises me is that kids still use fliers this much. I would imagine that most of these kinds of posts now happen on Facebook or Twitter or something.Oh! And let's talk about my college for a minute, shall we? Did y'all watch the Kansas v. Texas game this weekend. SO. MUCH. FUN. Go watch the highlights here! Serioulsy. (Even you non-sports fans... Margaret).