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christmas morning at the plessers

post by Leslie

Here we are! Just a few hours a way from 2019. First off, the promised Christmas morning film. I hope you enjoy it, and I wouldn't be a very good business person if I didn't remind everyone that I can do these films for your families as well, information can be found here, and there are still a few spots left in the $500 off category! Get at me if you think one of these videos might be just what you want! (And a reminder that the package includes still photos as well).But back to a little self reflection, eh? I know many folks find resolutions cheesy, and I get that. But I also never turn down a shot at new beginnings. A few goals I had last year that I accomplished: I learned to play the piano! Yay! I also read a gazillion books (21, but who's counting!) and I started exercising a ton more. Maybe I'll tell you about that later, but for now I'm keeping it mostly to myself for fear of jinxing all my motivation. Another thing I did was teach myself how to shoot video, which obviously had a huge impact.However, I did not lose that 10 lbs, I did not learn to organize my home better and I only half kept up with my social goals. I *almost* made my goal of shooting a band each month (hey, remember that year when I photographed more than 200 bands! I was so cool then! Ha!). So it wasn't all rosy (and we haven't even begun to talk politics).

A few things I want to accomplish next year:

+ I want more dates with my husband, even if it's simply meeting up for lunch.+ I want to take more selfies with Ezra. The lack of photos of the two of us together makes me so sad, and I need something to document the fun we have. Like today I taught the kid to ice skate! But my phone was dead and I wasn't about to bring my spendy camera AND my 4-year-old onto the ice. So once again, no photos.+ I want to practice the piano more.+ I want to teach my kid about a gazillion other cultures. More on this later.+ Less working on weekends!Those are all I'm putting down for now because I already feel overwhelmed. But in short, I hope you accomplished most of what you aimed for in 2018 and I hope 2019 is as full and as wonderful as you hope it to be. Until then, my friends!PS: I will be keeping the blog around in 2019. It will just not be daily -- more like 3-4 times a week! So don't despair, you'll still hear from me. I just want to give myself permission to take a day or two away from the responsibility each week. I hope you understand.