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clean as a whistle

1230magssmPoor Magda hates the bath. But she hadn't had one in months, and she was scratching a lot, so we thought even if it was just dry skin, we would use some moisturizing shampoo and hope it helped.Merlin hasn't had a bath in YEARS, but he never needs one. The collie absolutely hates getting dirty. He'll step around puddles and avoid mud and he cleans his paws constantly. And he hates baths and takes about a week to dry, so we leave him be with lots and lots and lots of brushings.Magda, on the other hand, loves to roll in the dirt and mud at the dog park as well as anything dead she might find on a walk (like birds or squirrels). So even though her coat is oily and the filth appears to come off easy, I want her clean since she has a habit of crawling into my sheets at night. But boy, does she hate it.At least she looks adorable, eh? Much more adorable than the photo I posted on Saturday, which I'm afraid may have scarred my dear mother for life.For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you to an article in City Pages, one of our local weekly magazines, that features me! It's their cover story about the city's best twitter personalities. Even if you don't want to read the entire story, you can at least go and see the illustration -- it's rare that I get a professional to draw a portrait of me. It's so fun/weird to be IN a story since I'm usually the one behind the scenes on such things. Anyway, tomorrow will be much less self promotional. Promise.