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cold, hard cash

0703cashsmToday had a *tiny* bit of work in it, and the rest was spent relaxing with my mom and dad (and a visit to Bogart's!). One of the more fun things we did this afternoon was visit the Once Upon a Crime bookstore. My dad absolutely loves crime and mystery novels, and I've been reading about this shop for years. As expected, it was a huge hit, and super fun to explore and get suggestions from the shop keeper.After dinner, we held a gin rummy tournament. Each player had to throw in $5 and the winner walked away with $20. Guess who won.Jamie! It was great! Anyway, so that pile of cash up there belongs to him now. I am here to tell you that his card-loving grandma was smiling down from heaven helping him along the way. I was super proud of him.For your internet share of the day, I love this roundup of summer beach towels. The Hudson Bay one is my very favorite!