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dark alley part deux

This week at work has kinda sucked. Holiday weeks are rough because you have the same amount of work as a normal week, but you know, eight hours less to do all the work in. It's not like the magical "Labor Day elves" step in and take care of your work on Monday. And it's not like I spend 8 hours a week on You Tube or Farmville or something that can just be made up when we have a holiday (contrary to what the bosses think, I suppose). So these last few days have been just relentless, and this coming weekend will be much needed.Anyway, that's enough complaining for now. Thanks for listening. Tonight after deadline, I met up with the ladies at Nick and Eddie, only tonight we were in the back alley. Isn't it lovely back there? And our server made us hot chocolate (which isn't even on the menu). And now I'm warm and happy and sleepy. And thankful that tomorrow is my last day at work this week.