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dawes + peter wolf crier + meredith

Tonight was Dawes and Peter Wolf Crier at First Avenue. Dawes' music is a little too sentimental for my tastes (through the headphones), but live? They blow me away. They are so genuine and earnest -- it's kindof adorable. Tonight there were singalongs, and smiles, and both bands playing on the same song (like above with Taylor joining Peter on stage). And? There was that one time when the lead singer of Dawes dedicated a new song to MEREDITH WESTIN and wished her luck on her big move to Barcelona tomorrow, you know, in front of the packed First Avenue. So that was fun and unexpected. You can see more shots from the show over here.After the show, we all headed over to the Depot to extend the night as long as we could before our dear lady was yawning uncontrollably and had to leave for the night. She walked around giving everyone at the table long hugs and whispering goodbyes in their ears. We all tried hard to keep it light and humorous, and when she left we all started clapping, and then the whole bar was clapping and whooping and hollering and whistling. Oh, and did I mention that the bands were back at the bar as well? Cheering and pumping their fists as she left for Europe? Quite a sendoff, I'd say.So with that? Good luck, lady. We're all jealous, and we can't wait to hear about all of your Spanish adventures. Keep us updated and ask us for care packages if you're ever homesick. And keep your couch free for when we wanna come and visit, mmmkay?