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day of beauty

1030leahsmWhat a day! I treated myself to a day off of work since I'm shooting most weekends, and man, did I pack it full! But honestly, most of my day was spent at the salon. Keeping up this red hair takes one or two really long appointments a year, and today was one of them. I was there from 11:30 until 3. That is a lot of time to read fashion magazines, I tell you. Luckily, the amazing Louisa happened to be getting her hair cut right next to me, so that was a bonus!After that, I met up with my fantastic friend Leah, who you see above. Isn't she adorable? We were walking to our cars after lunch and I literally stopped her mid-sentence and made her pose for a photo. Being my friend is frustrating at times, but can you blame me? Those eyes!Anyway, after lunch I met up with another friend to exchange concert tickets and then came home to meet another friend for gossip and dinner. Now, before you get all jealous of my day off and the glamorous life of not working in an office all day, let me finish.So I got home and went to the basement to let Mags out of her crate and was greeted with a floor covered in diarrhea from Merlin. SO. GROSS. I then crossed the room to Mags' crate to get her to carry over the poop and to get her outside, when I noticed her crate was full of vomit. Hoooo boy. Nothing but glamour over here, kids.So yeah, now both dogs are sick. Mags wouldn't even eat her dinner tonight, which was pretty worrisome. And did I mention I'm supposed to leave town on Friday? Stress.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this great post by my buddy Sarah about how to tell who your true friends are. Love it.