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day two

This was one of my first shots of the day, and I just loved this girl's style. I also like how she's twirling her hair while she walks down the middle of the street in those high heels. It just felt very sxsw to me.I'm not gonna post a photo set tonight because I'm totally exhausted and I have a little extra time tomorrow morning. Today we saw twelve bands, but two were so bad that I didn't bother spending the digital space to document them. But others? Others were phenomenal. Here's a clue: I saw Astronautalis today, and he was not my favorite show. Yeah. I know! Exciting, right?My favorite show was The Apache Relay. They were amazing live -- you have to catch them if you can. Also, we skipped out on Titus Andronicus today (boo) but we are hoping to catch them tomorrow. Other highlights, for those keeping score, were Waters, Tennis, Brendon Benson and the Alabama Shakes.Ok. Off to bed. I'll supply more photos tomorrow.