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0716coffeewWelcome to one of my very favorite spots in town. This morning, I met with a former colleague to talk about life as a freelancer as I sipped on an amazing cafe au lait. Also? Next door is an amazing, teeny tiny black building with lime green doors that I fantasize about someday moving Shuttersmack HQ into.Don't get your hopes up. It is pure fantasy... but the space is the right size, it has a wall of windows for natural light... and it's right next door to my favorite coffee spot. Should I win the lottery, I will not only buy up all the light fixtures I showed you yesterday, but I might move in next door to Bull Run. These are my dreams.For your internet shares today, this recipe has me finally willing to buy a spiralizer. Seriously, I am pretty anti-kitchen-gadget, but this dish looks amazing... Second, I am enjoying the hell out of this new music. Third, how fun would it be to live here? I seriously covet that floor. And lastly, this came out when I was in Kansas and missed it, but holy cow batman, let's all use this facial recognition software to find lost dogs, shall we?