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dinner with nyberg

Tonight was my monthly dinner with Nyberg here... isn't she adorable? Anyway, there was good food, *excellent wine* and a delicious salted caramel dessert. Needless to say, we had a good time. Also, last night after I posted my blog I snuck out to a P.O.S. show over at Fifth Element. You guys! Do you have his newest album yet? It's called "We Don't Even Live Here." No? NO? WHY NOT? If you like music at all and if you ever enjoyed the Beastie Boys, please trust me and go pick up this album. It is so, so good. And it will make you want to dance.If you want to see photos from the show, you can look here. And if you are feeling philanthropic, please donate to the guy as he just had to cancel his tour because he needs a new kidney. Musicians have a tough time with health insurance, especially if they have a pre-existing condition, and replacing organs is expensive. You can donate through paypall at Muchas gracias.